Our online platform for Local Want Ads, Groups, Carpools, Businesses, Events, and more!

Free Membership.
No Spam or Robots or Fakes.
One status email per week.

About the Commons Suite ~
Our Mission Statement ~
Frequently Asked Questions ~

The Tata Commons is our local instance of a Commons Community, an online platform that provides small rural towns with a local online infrastructure -- "information plumbing" -- to help its members self-organize, to save nuisance, money, carbon emissions, effort, and time.

A free online Commons means a place to share information: Classified/want ads, events, local small business info, local services, and the other things that make up a community. With a Commons, we can self-organize Carpools and commutes to Truro, Halifax, Amherst, or Pictou, to save ourselves $$$ and CO2. We can share tools, and musical instruments, and equipment with each other. We can make plans more effectively.

The creative potential of small communities to use the Web to self-organize has been largely untapped. The Tata Commons, and other Commons Communities elsewhere, are trying to change that.

Our “Tata Metro Area” includes Tatamagouche, Brule, Bayview, West New Annan, over to Denmark -- there are no firm lines, of course -- but it includes anyone who explains where they live to outsiders as “near Tatamagouche.”

We shop at our Foodland, visit our Post Office, our local restaurants, our Scotiabank, our pharmacy... and we all live near each other, in a shared community. We like living here!

We can take advantage of that closeness -- to save money, reduce carbon emissions, and to live an even better life -- with a little help from the Tata Commons site.

The easiest way to save is to use the Commons' Carpool tool, which lets us self-organize longer trips, to places like Truro, Halifax, Amherst, or Pictou, with other members of our community. With a little planning and coordination, those travel costs can be cut in half or more. If you commute to those towns or others, the Commons Carpool might help you find others making a similar commute.

The Commons Classifieds can help you find or offer local services, or borrow or rent a neighbor's machines, tools, or time. Want a music lesson, or to give away your piano? Post in the Classifieds! The Commons lets us send messages, questions, and notifications directly to other Members: “Really? I can have your piano just by picking it up?”

Our locally-run businesses -- especially local bakers, egg producers, CSAs, and other primary producers nearby -- can list their services and products, like the old phone books' Yellow Pages did, but now locally maintained and searchable by any Tata Commons Member. Musical performances, theatre, and Special Events of all kinds can be listed in the Commons Calendar of Events, by any Member of the Commons.

Throughout, there are options for messaging and communicating with the other Members of our community, as much or as little as you choose to do. Every Commons has a Manager (in this case, me, Michael Jensen) who is the main coordinator and cheerleader.

And we stay cheerful, even in troubled times!

The possibilities for clever efficiencies within our community, once we can all easily connect and coordinate, are immense.

Tatamagouche is our community, and if you are a member of it, you should be a member of TataCommons.com. Sign up now!

-- Michael Jensen
Manager, TataCommons.com

If you are NOT from Tatamagouche, please don't sign up (we aren't unfriendly, just local). Instead, try the Demo to see how this thing works, and then consider if you want to initiate a Commons Communities site for your village. It requires some time and effort, and isn't for everyone, but if you're interested in being an early Manager in your town, contact manager [AT] tatacommons.com to be added to our Yes! Interested! list.

Tata Commons Intro (80 secs)
Useful Documents:
Frequently Asked Questions about the Commons (Web page)
Member Guide to the Interface (8 pp., PDF)
Commons Communities Home Page
For more info: manager [at] tatacommons.com